Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday Dumbbell Workout

Location: Gym

Equipment needed: Dumbbells (Various)

Time Needed: 25-40 minutes

Warm-Up-5 Minute Warm-Up (Treadmill, etc)

Workout: 4 sets timed. Do as many as possible with good technique, 1 minute rest in between sets.

-Goblet Squat: (Hold Dumbbell (50-90 lbs) with both hands in front of your chest. Squat down, making sure to keep your chest up and knees behind your toes. Repeat)-1 minute

-Push-up Row: (Push-up position holding dumbbells (10-20lbs). Do a push up, row with one arm pulling your elbow back and bringing the dumbbell up toward your side. Repeat with other arm)-1 minute

- Alternate:
Lateral Jump: (Feet together, push off outside foot and land on opposite foot traveling sideways. Land and spring the other direction, repeat)- 30 seconds
Alternating Lunge Jump: (Conduct a lunge, jump and switch legs in midair, land and conduct a lunge on the other side, repeat)-30 seconds

-Dumbbell Press: (2 Dumbbells (20-40lbs) and hold them shoulder height. Press them above your head, bring them back to shoulder height in a controlled motion. Repeat)- 1 minute

Burpees: 30 seconds
Mountain Climbers: 30 seconds

Rest: 1 minute

ABS: Following completion of the workout, these ab exercises can be utilized for extra core strength.

5 Minute Plank: (Continuous plank for 5 minutes, switching to target different muscles)

-Regular Plank: (Push-up position on elbows with back straight)- 1:30
-Side Plank: (On left or right side, balance on elbow with alternate arm straight up in the air for balance.)-1:00
-Alternate Side Plank: (Same on alternate side) 1:00
-Back Plank: (Lying on your back, pick legs up and raise shoulders off the ground. (Tip: Put hands under tailbone to help lower back strain. Those with a stronger core can try reaching toward their feet with both arms and holding in that position)  Keep your shoulders and feet off the floor.- 1:30


-Bicycle sit-ups: 100

Pictures and Videos to Come

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