Monday, April 29, 2013

Mondays Mass Power Workout

Location: Gym

Equipment Needed: Bench Rack, Squat Rack, Dumbbells, 25-45 lb plate, 5 lb plate.

Work out time: 35 Minutes

Warm Up: 5 Minutes

Treadmill set to a comfortable sprinting speed.

40 seconds on the treadmill, 20 seconds off the treadmill

Repeat 5 times

Cycle One: As many sets as you can do in 7 minutes.

Bench Press: 10 (Standard bench press)

Chest to Bar: 10 (Once you rack the bench, pull your chest up to the bar)

Curl to Press with a Squat: 10 (25-45 lb plate in hand, curl it up, then press it over your head, bring it down into a squat)

Rest: 3 Minutes

Cycle Two: As many sets as you can do in 7 minutes:

Squat: 10 (Standard squat)

Split Squat: 20 (10 each leg. Stand with one leg forward, one back... Do 10 quick and switch legs)

One Armed Dumbbell Snatch: 16 (8 each arm. Start with legs bent, dumbbell in one arm. With one fluid motion, driving power through the hips, raise the dumbbell up over your head until arm is straight)

Rest: 3 Minutes


Start with a set of bridges: 1 minute front plank, 1 minute right side plank, 1 minute left side plank.

Now, Super Man Bridges: 1 minute left arm up and right leg up, 1 minute right arm up and left leg up.

End with 5 lb in and outs: Lying on your back hold a 5 lb plate in your right hand. Hold your right leg up 6 inches off the ground. The left leg will come up, as it does, pass the plate to your left hand underneath the left leg (inside to outside). As the leg goes down, pass it back to the right and repeat the process.

Switch hands and do it on the same leg, only this time, outside to in.

Switch legs and repeat both inside to out and outside to in.

20 reps each one, so 40 each leg (20 in and 20 out)


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