Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Morning Motivation

“It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others.” 

-Dalai Lama XIV

The mission of Warriors of Change is to change fitness from being a singular personal pursuit to a means of social empowerment.  The reason the warrior fights isn't to stay alive, but to protect loved ones and the brother/sister next to us.  We are all guided toward selfless pursuits because that is what binds us together as human beings. We are not alone in this world, and no action meant for purely selfish reasons ever inspires us to truly give our all.  Selflessness has long been a warrior trait:

"Plutarch asked, 'Why do the Spartans punish with a fine the warrior who loses his helmet or spear but punish with death the warrior who loses his shield?'

                               Because helmet and spear are carried for
                               the protection of the individual alone, but
                               the shield protects every man in the line."
                                                                                -"The Warrior Ethos" by Steven Pressfield

We post these motivations, workouts, and challenges so that we may slowly begin to build a movement with the power to give back.  We spend money, time, and effort trying to make ourselves better but not everyone is gifted with the same opportunities.  Our goal here at Warriors of Change is to combine our desire for fitness and self-improvement with a cause to empower others so they can join us.  These past few weeks we have dedicated our workouts to the One Fund for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.  I can think of no better connection between fitness and selflessness and I am proud to be a part of the contribution.  Join us, there is no better way to give back than to empower yourself and use your strength to empower others.  Use your hard work to encourage others to keep the courage to fight on.  This is not about giving, it is about not giving up. 

Stand together as Warriors and we will create change in ourselves while changing the world.  

At the end of this week we will make our first donation to the One Fund.  All of the workouts and motivations drive us toward the goal of getting fit and giving back. We are continuing to shape and improve the way that we operate, but we need more help from you to continue to develop our vision. Comment on the workouts, share ideas, stories, and thoughts. We would love to hear from all of you!

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