Friday, April 26, 2013

Morning Motivation

Better to live in a rugged land and rule than to cultivate rich plains and be a slave.

-Cyrus the Great

Fighting complacency and comfort is perhaps one of the biggest challenges we face in accomplishing our goals.  Anything that forces us out of our comfort zone and pushes us to change requires a conscious choice on our part.  Any pursuit of a personal goal is going to be rugged, it's going to be hard as hell. The Resistance that Pressfield speaks of is the everyday excuses not to put your body or mind through the pain needed to do your days work.  Life is about little steps, and each step you take that tests you and brings you closer to where you want to be are the ones worth struggling through.  Uncertainty breeds innovation, like it or not we grow through pain and hardship.  That growth is what all of us are looking for because stability and  predictability is boring. Comfort is necessary, but it is dull.  There has never been a human being that has accomplished his/her goal by playing it safe.

How many times do we talk ourselves out of something before we even begin? We foresee that the task will be hard, that it will take time, money, sweat, tears, and that scares us away. We give up before we even start.  The words "rule" and "slave" in the above quotation are powerful because they are still applicable to our daily struggles now in 2013.  How many of us are working right now in a job and are doing nothing to further our personal passions or goals? We make excuses like, "I need to concentrate on my job because I have to pay the bills" or "I don't have any time to work on anything else". You are wrong.  Take 30 minutes and do something you're passionate about and I guarantee those aren't 30 minutes wasted.  I can also guarantee that you will feel more satisfied with that 30 minutes than you were the entire time you spent working for anyone else.  The difference between working for the weekend and working for a purpose is that one gives you the means to live and one gives meaning to life.  Test yourself, take baby steps toward your goal because you will gain strength as you push forward. You are in control, you are the ruler of that realm and not a slave to someone else's dream.  If you know what you want to do, or you have a goal you want to accomplish, then do something to start TODAY. Push past the fear, pain, and uncertainty and you become the author of your own story.

Change the world by ruling your own, be a Warrior of Change.

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