Monday, April 29, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

"Some of the easiest habits are the hardest ones to break..."

Habits... Many of these are unconscious in the sense that we don't even realize we're doing them. They are recurrent patterns of behavior that are acquired through frequent repetition. Habit can also be thought of as a link between a stimulus and a response. We don't even know that they are happening because they have been conditioned to do so. Sometimes developed to cope with certain aspects of life, or sometimes just from constantly repeating a wrong routine.

As a child, when learning to walk, we are constantly taking in what we see around us so that our brain can put one foot in front of the other. An Olympic runner is not an Olympic runner without first breaking poor running technique to learn the proper technique.

The same goes for all habits conditioned in the mind. They appear to be uncontrolled acts. However, the same way the mind can learn the proper technique after years of poor technique is the same way it can break habits that seem impossible to break.

How do chain smokers of 50 years take the steps to quit? They have the will to overcome their habits. Face your habits. Look at them. Weigh them. See the affect they have on your life.

Take the next step tomorrow in leading a path where you are the one in control of your habits and creating new ones that can make a difference in your life and the life of others.

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