Total Work Distance 1.5 miles
Every half mile break for a 5 minute work out. Each exercise is a minute.
First Break
1.) Backward lunge into a one legged jump. 30 seconds each leg (lunge back keeping weight on front leg. As you come back up, jump on the leg the weight was on and bring the leg that was back up to your chest).
2.) Switch kicks (stand on the balls of your feet. Begin to hop. With each hop begin alternating front kicks).
3.) 1,2,3,4 bridge (Push up position, left arm down, right arm down, left arm up, right arm up...1234).
4.) Side bridge with dips (hip to floor then hip up) 30 seconds each side.
5.) Marine push ups (start in a downward dog position [butt back and up]. Slowly dip your face toward the ground and bring yourself to an upward dog position [hips to the ground with back arched]. Then slowly pull back into down dog).
Second Break
1.) Push ups to a T hold.
2.) Scissor abs (make an L with your legs. Switching feet every 3 seconds).
3.) Jumping jacks.
4.) High knees.
5.) 180 jumps (face one way, squat down and jump while turning mid air to face the other way [180 degrees]).
Third Break
Repeat 1st break.
Insane work out!