Thursday, April 25, 2013

Morning Motivation

One's real life is so often the life that one does not lead.

-Oscar Wilde

I have a mentor that said to me once, "I walked into work one day and said, here lies Joe, accountant at X corporation. I almost walked right back out the door." This struck me as both humorous and incredibly truthful. When we step back and examine our lives we can see our path with tremendous clarity. Write down all of what you do today, what you did yesterday, and look at the list.  You will get a good picture of what your everyday routine looks like and where you spend your time. We all have routines and day to day work that we have to do to get by. We have student loans, mortgages, rent, etc. We also need money to do the things we want to do. So we struggle on toward a goal, a promotion, a raise, a certain monetary amount in the bank, tenure, whatever it may be so that eventually we can start doing what we want to do.  

But what if that never comes.  If you die tomorrow, what would be written on your headstone? People have been dying since the beginning of time, it happens to all of us, and we cannot control it.  Think of your headstone as your last and infinite marketing campaign. What would you like the world to know about you after you're gone. My guess would be that most of us want to be remembered as loving parents, devoted partners, kind and generous human beings, and all of the other cliche markings you see on weathered stones around the world. We long for the idea of immortality, but do we earn the right to brand ourselves as the people we want to be? Look at the list of your actions and ask yourself how many of them contribute to what's most important to you.  Concentrate your efforts on what truly matters and start living today as you want to be remembered.  Warriors of Change is built on the idea of the pursuit of personal greatness contributing to a better world.  We sacrifice everyday for what we need to do, lets focus more of our energy on what we want to do and empower others to join us. 

Live the life you were born to live, and bring us along for the ride.

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