Monday, May 6, 2013

Morning Motivation

There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.

-Leo Tolstoy

Simplicity, goodness, and truth.  At the end of the day there is no worthwhile pursuit that doesn't involve these three principles.  Keeping life simple reduces complications and distractions by allowing us to focus on what is truly important to us.  We must get up today and go to work, school, etc because it's an essential part of our survival.  We need to survive, but going through the motions for survival sake is a waste.  Utilize the experiences you're going to have today to grow, to develop, to move forward toward your goal.  Keep in mind the simple values of goodness and truth and work to meet those ends.  Goodness toward yourself, your family, friends, strangers, whatever your motivations let them be expressed in your daily activities.  Keep it simple, work toward your goals, be a positive force today for yourself and others.

The reason you're reading this is that you believe there is a higher calling and that you are a part of it.  Warriors of Change is a community of like-minded brothers and sisters coming together to make a difference.  We are changing ourselves and driving forward and by this progress we will improve the lives of everyone around us. 

Keep your goals in mind, keep life simple, be a Warrior of Change!

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