Monday, May 13, 2013

Morning Motivation

Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?

-Benjamin Franklin

Talent, it's something we all have in varying capacities and wide varieties.  It takes talent to do the work that each of us does on a daily basis. However, what most of us do is survive.  We don't utilize our talents toward our full potential or even toward what we truly love.  We scrape by, using enough of ourselves to be moderately successful at careers we don't love and living the shadow life of our true selves.  The great men and women of previous generations ran with the talents they had, regardless of success or failure they were going to pursue their dreams because that is what they wanted...and that is what they were the best at.  You must have the talent to pursue the goal, no matter what some of us will never be astronauts or professional athletes. However, more important than talent is the realization of our true potential and the growth of our existing talent into a meaningful life.  Whatever that meaningful life is to you, use your talents to find a way to create it.  

Warriors of Change is built on the foundation of developing that latent greatness inside us all, and utilizing it to benefit others.  We help each other by being the best we can be as individuals.  Fitness is a grueling task and a integral aspect of our overall health and success.  A sound body means a sound mind. Combine those two with the heart of a Warrior and there is no change we can't accomplish.  

Start this week off right, recognize your talents, take action, become a Warrior of Change!

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