Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Morning Motivation

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

-Mark Twain

Experience. We all want it, and we all seem lack it at one point or another.  Applying to a job right out of college all the jobs seem to require it. The fittest people we know have always worked out, the smartest people we know have studied for years, and the list goes on and on.  We need experience, but there seems to be no way to get in the door to start gaining it so that we can "start" doing what we want to do.  Here's an idea...just do it anyway.  Nobody starts out with experience, the only way that we can develop it is by going out and taking action.  If you can't get the job you're applying for, create a job for yourself.  It may not pay as well, or at all. However, the sooner you start building your skills, the sooner you start building your resume.  Build your experience whether the world likes it or not and good things will happen. Take a gamble on yourself, the only person standing in your way is you.

Fitness is a prime example.  Working out and pushing your body isn't easy, and it doesn't come naturally.  You have to build that experience each day by pushing yourself.  Putting yourself through some pain and sweat, challenging yourself, and building your base.  I promise you that once you get going you won't want to stop.  The Warrior believes that the harder the work is, the greater the reward at the end.  The only way to know is experience, the only way to gain it is action. Step out into today and begin to find ways to gain the experience needed to do what you want to do, be who you want to be.  Don't be disheartened by what you lack, challenge yourself and find your own way.  

Swing the cat, it's the only way to learn. Become a Warrior of Change!!!

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