Monday, May 20, 2013

Morning Motivation

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

-Abraham Lincoln

Breathing alone does not constitute life. Your existence is your story, your legacy, and your everlasting creation.  Basic survival is prehistoric, we strive now to a higher calling.  If you're living to survive you are exacerbating a self-fulfilling prophecy of human limitations.  Break the chain, live for a vision of greatness, a humanity full of possibilities and power. Whatever the goal, move toward it without fear of failure. Because the greatest failure is not moving at all.  

Short and sweet today. In the pursuit of success, actions speak louder than words.  Put in the work today to live the life you want, to be who you are inside, and to share your greatness with the world.  We will be inspired, and we will follow.

Put life in your years, become a Warrior of Change!!!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Morning Motivation

Bullfight critics ranked in rows, Crowd the enormous Plaza full. But only one is there who knows. And he's the man who fights the bull. 

- Domingo Ortega

This quote speaks to everything that Warriors of Change is about.  There is only one way to live your life and that is by your terms.  To truly know if you're capable of accomplishing your goals you must act on them.  There is only one way to know success and that is to create it, live it, and breathe it.  Others will want to contribute both negatively and positively, giving advice, opinions, and judgement along the way.  But they have no idea. The critic will find fault at every turn and try to dissuade you, out of fear that your success will mirror their own shadow life. From the outside it's easy to judge. Real strength comes from stepping out of the norm and living the life you choose.  Even a trusted mentor cannot know your struggles the way you do, and they cannot do the work for you. You are the master of your fate, choose to follow your dreams and you become the inspiration.      

You are responsible for taking the steps, for acting on your ambition.  Once you do, you will breathe the rarified air of those before you that battled their own demons to achieve greatness.  You will become the one who knows... the hero of your own story.  Take a step today to start the journey, keep grinding, and join the ranks of past heroes and Warriors who changed the world by changing themselves.

Become the hero, live the life you want, be a Warrior of Change! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

"Opportunity lies with the ability to find the deeper powers within ourselves."

We talk a lot about physical power, social power, success. To put all myths to the side right now. There is no recipe for success. Success is not a formula. If it was, then everyone would be successful because everyone would use the formula. There are too many times that we look for the easy way to success when in actuality success does not come easy.

So where does it come from?

I have been told that luck is where opportunity and preparation meet, I believe this to be true. But the question still remains. Where does SUCCESS come from. The answer is more simple than one may think. The answer to where success comes from, is that it comes from within. There is no recipe, there is no formula. But when you speak to any individual who has achieved success, they will all say the same thing. They had a vision, and they believed within themselves. They didn't accept no for an answer and they stuck to any and all beliefs they had within.

THAT is the key to success. That is why there are not many who can achieve great success because so few have that vision, that drive, that stubborn determination within themselves to look at the odds stacked against them and smile. When you can do that. Only then, will you be on the path to success.

Goodnight Warriors.

Morning Motivation

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.

-Mark Twain

Experience. We all want it, and we all seem lack it at one point or another.  Applying to a job right out of college all the jobs seem to require it. The fittest people we know have always worked out, the smartest people we know have studied for years, and the list goes on and on.  We need experience, but there seems to be no way to get in the door to start gaining it so that we can "start" doing what we want to do.  Here's an idea...just do it anyway.  Nobody starts out with experience, the only way that we can develop it is by going out and taking action.  If you can't get the job you're applying for, create a job for yourself.  It may not pay as well, or at all. However, the sooner you start building your skills, the sooner you start building your resume.  Build your experience whether the world likes it or not and good things will happen. Take a gamble on yourself, the only person standing in your way is you.

Fitness is a prime example.  Working out and pushing your body isn't easy, and it doesn't come naturally.  You have to build that experience each day by pushing yourself.  Putting yourself through some pain and sweat, challenging yourself, and building your base.  I promise you that once you get going you won't want to stop.  The Warrior believes that the harder the work is, the greater the reward at the end.  The only way to know is experience, the only way to gain it is action. Step out into today and begin to find ways to gain the experience needed to do what you want to do, be who you want to be.  Don't be disheartened by what you lack, challenge yourself and find your own way.  

Swing the cat, it's the only way to learn. Become a Warrior of Change!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

Think Different, Be a Warrior of Change

Tuesday Home Workout

Location: Home

Equipment needed: Pull-up Bar

Time Needed: 20-25minutes

Warm-Up: Your Choice (5 Minutes)

Workout: 3 Rounds

-Burpees: 10 reps

-Push-up: 20 reps

-Mountain Climbers: 20 reps

-Sit-ups: 25 reps

-Body Squats-25 reps

Workout Continuation: 2 Rounds

-Wall Sit w/ Punches: 30 seconds (Conduct a wall sit and punch forward keeping core tight)

-L-Sit: 30 seconds (Hang on Pull-up bar, lift legs parallel and hold)

-Wall Sit w/ Punches: 30 seconds

-L-Sit: 30 Seconds

-Plank: 1:00 Minute

Morning Motivation

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.

-Ayn Rand

Creativity is the lifeblood of creation.  Without the ability to be unique, to be inspired, and to differentiate yourself we would all be absolutely boring.  One difference between the people that accomplish their goals and the people that don't is that ability to handle situations creatively.  Changing the problem to be able to solve it, rather than dwelling.  Most of us are afraid of stepping out of line, going off the beaten path, and separating ourselves from the norm. If you're afraid that you don't have the talent to succeed the only way to find out is to try.  The only one you hurt by not moving forward is yourself.  Nobody else in this world has plans for you, we all have our own lives to lead and goals to achieve. You must actively live the life you want or risk becoming a dull participant in someone else's.  

There is always a way to redefine a problem and solve it.  Get creative today, find the time in your schedule to exercise, study, plan, etc.  Warriors of Change is about harnessing that dedication and creativity you use to pursue your own greatness and utilizing it to inspire change.  You aren't in competition with the world, the world is waiting for your best self to emerge so you can lead others.  Pursue your dreams and be your best for you, and by doing so lift us all.  

Creatively pursue your goals, because fortune favors the bold and we only have so much time. Dream big, give back, become a Warrior of Change!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

Within every aspect of life there are methods to which allows it to be. We sometimes sacrifice one thing for another without considering the outcome of using multiple things simultaneously. One example, sacrificing speed for strength and the other way around. Sure we all want to be strong, we all want to be fast, some even are lucky to be both. By nature of how this works we begin to mold ourselves into categories. "I want to be the strongest", "I want to be the fastest". Then there is power. "I want to be the most powerful". When we think of power we think about the physical nature of power, then we think of power in a social sense.

First lets look at the physical nature of power. We sometimes mistake strength for power when in actuality power is the outcome of strength + speed. Shocking to think that power is not determined by size or strength but more or less a pound for pound equation combining both strength and speed. Once we are able to harness our own power, that is when we can truly realize what our bodies and our mind can do.

Now let's look at power in the social sense. We live by these ideologies that power in the social world gives us this right to thrust around this power with no responsibility. Almost as if we are deities we adapt this mindset of being untouchable. The statement I pose. It's funny the way the world works. When stripped of everything we are shown who we really are, but when we have everything, that is when we show what our character is made of. Does power and wealth give us a higher class than the unfortunate? Or does it just allow us to do things they can't therefore allowing us to think we are higher class.

The point of having a Warrior mindset is to take the aspects of physical power and utilize them and take the social power they receive and use it with responsibility. Be a Warrior, don't abuse what is given and don't abuse what is earned.

Monday Running Workout

Location: Home

Equipment needed: None

Time Needed: 15-25 minutes

Workout: Run w/ Alternating Bodyweight Sets

-Run 2 miles at your own pace

-Every minute, on the minute alternate these exercises:

          -15 body squats
          -10 Push-ups
          -25 Bicycle Sit-ups

Put in the work, become a Warrior of Change!!!

Morning Motivation

Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?

-Benjamin Franklin

Talent, it's something we all have in varying capacities and wide varieties.  It takes talent to do the work that each of us does on a daily basis. However, what most of us do is survive.  We don't utilize our talents toward our full potential or even toward what we truly love.  We scrape by, using enough of ourselves to be moderately successful at careers we don't love and living the shadow life of our true selves.  The great men and women of previous generations ran with the talents they had, regardless of success or failure they were going to pursue their dreams because that is what they wanted...and that is what they were the best at.  You must have the talent to pursue the goal, no matter what some of us will never be astronauts or professional athletes. However, more important than talent is the realization of our true potential and the growth of our existing talent into a meaningful life.  Whatever that meaningful life is to you, use your talents to find a way to create it.  

Warriors of Change is built on the foundation of developing that latent greatness inside us all, and utilizing it to benefit others.  We help each other by being the best we can be as individuals.  Fitness is a grueling task and a integral aspect of our overall health and success.  A sound body means a sound mind. Combine those two with the heart of a Warrior and there is no change we can't accomplish.  

Start this week off right, recognize your talents, take action, become a Warrior of Change!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

"Through reprise we condition our mastery. Through the conditioning of our mastery we achieve success."

Take time to think about the steps being taken toward the mastery of something. It doesn't matter what that something is. It could be an art, a craft, or a skill. Whatever it is being mastered. Think about it. How has the mastery come to be? We sometimes find that certain skills come more natural than others. What are those skills? We all have gifts whether they be big or small. What we do with them is a choice of our own. Sometimes we spread ourselves thin. We become a jack of all trades while forgetting to become a master of any. Sometimes we do not even realize that we are capable of this.

Take time to look deep within and find what it is you are most masterful at. See how that mastery is being utilized. In ancient Japanese culture, no matter what the occupation, each person was a master of what they did. They put countless hours into what it is they did until they owned every aspect of it.

Mastery without action is simply a hobby that we're really good at. Make your vocation, your avocation, master the things you love.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Morning Motivation

We are the masters of our own destiny. We are the creators of our fate, we live the lives we choose, and we all have the power to change the future. Make today the continuance of your quest or the start of your journey.  Believe in yourself because we believe in you.  


                                                 Out of the night that covers me,
                                                 Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
                                                 I thank whatever gods may be
                                                 For my unconquerable soul.

                                                 In the fell clutch of circumstance 
                                                 I have not winced nor cried aloud.
                                                 Under the bludgeonings of chance
                                                 My head is bloody, but unbowed.

                                                 Beyond this place of wrath and tears
                                                 Looms but the Horror of the shade,
                                                 And yet the menace of the years
                                                 Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

                                                It matters not how strait the gate,
                                                How charged with punishments the scroll.
                                                I am the master of my fate:
                                                I am the captain of my soul. 

                                                                                             -William Henley

You are the master and captain...become a Warrior of Change

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday Gym Workout

Location: Gym

Equipment needed: Barbell (40-100lbs), Dumbbell set (15-25lbs)

Time Needed: 25-35 minutes

Warm-Up: 5 minute treadmill

Workout: 3 sets 

-Thruster to Overhead Squat:  Perform a thruster (front squat to overhead press with barbell) Hold overhead and perform an overhead squat. 10 reps

-Mountain Climbers: 25 reps

-Bicycle Sit Ups Alternating Fast to Slow
10-5-10-5-10-5-10-5 (60 reps)

-Push-Up Rows: Use Dumbbells, perform a push-up and perform a row with one arm. Repeat with other arm:  10 reps

-Dumbbell Side Lunge: Using the same dumbbells as before, perform a sideways lunge, repeat to other side. 16 reps (8 each side)

-Burpees: 10

-Rest: 1 minute, Repeat

Extra Core:

5 minute Plank:

Regular Plank: 1:30 minutes
Right Side Plank: 1:00 minute
Left Side Plank: 1:00 minute
Back Plank: 1:30 minute

Morning Motivation

We are all living the life we want, realize it, and take control.

Thank you Alan Watts for inspiring the Warriors of Change!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesdays Body Weight Workout

Warm up:

 -30 Seconds High Knees
    -30 Seconds Jumping Jacks
    -30 Seconds Butt Kicks
    -30 Seconds Mountain Climbers
    -1 Minute Jog In Place
    -1 Minute Jumping Jacks
    -1 Minute Rest

5 Exercises. 2 Minutes Each, 30 Second Rest After Each Set

1.) Drop down, 2 push ups, 10 mountain climbers, snap up, jump bringing knees to elbows.
2.) Drop down, 10 ski abs, 10 in and out abs, snap up, 10 power squats.
3.) Drop down, 5 push up jacks, 10 criss cross mountain climbers.
4.) 10 lunge jumps, 10 up downs, 10 pull ups (or incline push ups if bar not accessible).
5.) 10 high knees, 10 heismans, 10 power jacks.

After repeated 3 times


Morning Motivation

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

-Jim Rohn

We here at Warriors of Change believe that a sound body and mind are key to being the absolute best at your chosen field.  Whether your goal is to be a multi-millionaire businessman, entrepreneur, artist, actor, etc, nobody can accomplish what they want or enjoy it fully without their health.  We all get caught up in the outside world and refuse to take time out of our day to step back and adequately attend to our body and mind.  These workouts that we post are designed for fast, effective, and focused means of fitness that will improve your overall strength, balance, and control.

Strength, balance, and control.  These are Warrior traits in both mind, body and profession.  Warriors battle for what they believe in and they employ these weapons as needed in each scenario.  As we struggle toward our dreams we must employ balance in life to assure we are making time for all that is important.  We must have the strength to battle through hard times and to keep pushing when there seems to be no end in sight.  We must exercise control to strike at the right moment and control our ambition so that it does not run rampant ahead of our abilities.

To prepare for greatness we must possess a sound body and mind as a worthy vessel.  Work toward greatness, be fit, give back, become a Warrior of Change!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

"Dreamers have become an endangered species."

                                                             -Jacoby Shaddix

Last night I saw a man on the subway train who looked like he hadn't moved from the seat he sat in for a week. I noticed he stared around the train looking to make eye contact with anyone he could. I also noticed the lengths everyone else took in order to not make eye contact even when looking in his direction. I moved closer to him once the train cleared out a little and I asked him what it was he wanted out of this life....

He looked at me and replied "Nothing". When I questioned his response he went on to inform me that he wants nothing out of life because up until this point, he has lived his life to every ounce of his ability. I then asked him how he did this. He pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper and began creating beautiful origami animals on the spot. He did not say a word, did not ask for anything from me... Before I got up to get off the train he stopped me and pointed to the window where I saw my reflection. I walked off the train and realized that his fulfillment out of life was the expressions given off by strangers after seeing his ability from a mastery of a craft.

The lesson learned here is that no dream of happiness is greater than the other. As long as the ability to dream never leaves. Dreamers, like Warriors, have become endangered in this world. We sometimes fear following our dreams because it is a path less traveled. We sell ourselves short so that we can be safe. We trade a life of happiness for a life of looking back with regret. If there's one thing I learned from this man, it was that he was in this world to change lives. He may never know how deep his impact is, but he doesn't care. Do not do things with the expectation of receiving something in return. In time the dreams we know and love will exceed any expectations we had.

Tuesdays Body Weight Warrior Work Out

Location: Your Room

Equipment Needed: Shoes, Pull Up Bar (Optional)

Time Needed: 25 Minutes

Warm Up: 5 Minutes
    -30 Seconds High Knees
    -30 Seconds Jumping Jacks
    -30 Seconds Butt Kicks
    -30 Seconds Mountain Climbers
    -1 Minute Jog In Place
    -1 Minute Jumping Jacks
    -1 Minute Rest


First Cycle:
(3 minutes total)

30 Seconds of Sit-ups with an upper cut at the top (Making sure to twist the core as the uppercut is thrown).

30 Seconds, 5 pull ups and then hang holding one knee up for 5 seconds (Alternate after every 5 pull ups).

Repeat this cycle 3 times in a row non stop movement.

If there's no pull up bar, make them hand stand push ups.

Second Cycle:
(4 minutes total)

40 Seconds body weight squats with alternating front kicks at the top.

20 Second hold in a 90 degree squat position.

Repeat this cycle 4 times non stop movement.

Third Cycle:
(4 minutes total)

40 Seconds of push ups with 2 alternating punches at the top of every push up (left and right).

20 Second hold in a plank position with elbows on the ground.

Repeat this cycle 4 times non stop movement.

Closing Core:
(6 minutes total)

1 Minute side plank position alternating sides, 3 sets each side.

Cool Down Stretch:
(Remaining 3 minutes)

Pictures and Videos to Come

Morning Motivation

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

-John Quincy Adams

Today will test your resolve.  Social obligations will surface, work will run late, your car will break down, or your subway train will be delayed.  Life throws us curveballs constantly and it becomes easy to be distracted and disheartened when our goals are constantly taking a backseat.  Breathe, because it's all going to be okay.  Plans are made to be broken and schedules are just future predictions, no different than getting your palm read.  The important thing is that you hold yourself accountable for making time everyday to better yourself.  It can be 15 minutes one day, an hour the next, use the time that you have and with patience and persistence you will keep driving forward.  

It's a game of inches, and every day we are fighting for them. Obstacles and distractions are our foes and they come in many shapes and sizes.  They disguise themselves as an extra happy hour or work procrastination. They attack us by appealing to our base desire for comfort, ease, and happiness but they are all false. WE are not comfortable, and we don't want to be.  Warriors of Change is about a constant drive to be better, a persistent and stubborn forward motion to be the best that we can be.  Remember that by improving ourselves, we inspire those around us and make it possible for them to do the same.  Take responsibility for your role as a motivator and aspire to greatness.  Patience, perseverance, and a strong heart will make you unstoppable.

Persistance is the drive, Patience is the wisdom, Greatness is the goal.  Join us in becoming a Warrior of Change!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

"A promise not kept is a road to exile."

                                   -Brent Smith

Think about promises you have made. Think about what they have meant to you as well as what they have meant to those you made the promises to. Also, think about the times you have made promises to yourself. Have you kept those promises? When we speak to others we sometimes forget that they may hold on to our words more than we know. Eventually, as time goes on, empty promises begin to weaken the strength and validity of our words. Once our words have no meaning, eventually the image of our character weakens as well. No one likes to be around those who's words mean nothing... Those who are "all talk" no action.

Let's take it a step further now. What about the promises we make to ourselves? When we think about all the promises we make to ourselves about what we are going to do, then look back and see what we actually did to keep those promises, we sometimes find that we fell through on a lot of our own promises. Maybe it was that weight you wanted to lose, maybe it's that promotion you wanted. The promises we make can be dated back to the time when we were only toddlers. We all had dreams, we all told the adults what we were going to do when we grew up. Even as we get older and more goal oriented we tell ourselves and tell others our "plans". Did we take action on those plans or did we just want to create an image for those around us?

Warriors were known for their codes of honor, known for their word. Let's started strengthening our words and giving them not only meaning to those around us. But more importantly, more meaning to ourselves.

Monday Home/Gym Round Workout

Location: Home/Gym

Equipment needed: Pull-up Bar, Bench

Time Needed: 20-30 minutes

Warm-Up: Treadmill 5:00 minutes progressive increase in speed every minute.

Workout: As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 15:00 minutes

-Pull-up: 5 reps

-Push-up: 10 reps

-Box Jump: 15 reps

-Sit-ups: 20 reps

Additional Core Work: 4 rounds

V-Ups: (Lying flat on the ground with hands fully extending above head, bring your feet and hands up simultaneously to touch. Touch and lower, do not let feet or hands touch the ground.) 10 reps

Heels to Heaven: 10 reps

Toe Touch: (Keeping feet raised, bring your hands behind your head then reach up to touch toes. Repeat) 10 reps

Morning Motivation

There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.

-Leo Tolstoy

Simplicity, goodness, and truth.  At the end of the day there is no worthwhile pursuit that doesn't involve these three principles.  Keeping life simple reduces complications and distractions by allowing us to focus on what is truly important to us.  We must get up today and go to work, school, etc because it's an essential part of our survival.  We need to survive, but going through the motions for survival sake is a waste.  Utilize the experiences you're going to have today to grow, to develop, to move forward toward your goal.  Keep in mind the simple values of goodness and truth and work to meet those ends.  Goodness toward yourself, your family, friends, strangers, whatever your motivations let them be expressed in your daily activities.  Keep it simple, work toward your goals, be a positive force today for yourself and others.

The reason you're reading this is that you believe there is a higher calling and that you are a part of it.  Warriors of Change is a community of like-minded brothers and sisters coming together to make a difference.  We are changing ourselves and driving forward and by this progress we will improve the lives of everyone around us. 

Keep your goals in mind, keep life simple, be a Warrior of Change!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

"I'd rather fight, on my feet. Than live my life, on my knees"

Have we ever found that as the days go by we take on many forms of ourselves? These forms are different entities of ourselves that come out when need be, or just different forms to stay unseen. Sometimes there is no control over these forms we default to in order to hide our true feelings... To mask who we really are. Too many times in life we mask ourselves in order to appease what makes us feel uneasy. This sad reality comes into play in many aspects of life. It is something that can drive us all insane at the end of the day. We become shadows, we become ghosts, we become great at acting. All the while we never think of the little subtle affects on our minds when we do this. The mind stays strongest when we never have to bite our tongues... What is the point of having a voice if it is never used? A true testament to ones character is the ability to speak up when no one else will. The pride to fight for themselves when they are faced with adversity. Are you the person who remains quiet among the masses or are you the one to stand while everyone else kneels? Go to bed tonight and think long and hard as to the type of individual you see yourself being in the coming years. There are excuses everywhere, but when is the moment we decide to take those excuses and put them behind us.

Have a Warriors heart, have a Warriors mind.

Sunday's Weekly Resolution

Alright so last week we gave a challenge that was more physical to try and do every day.

This week we want to take a mental approach to everything.

So this week, every night before bed. Take about an hour to lie down and just... Think.

Ask yourself questions about how your day went, how you're feeling, what you can do better, etc.

Become one with your mind and one with yourself.

Being a Warrior isn't always about being the most physically fit, a sound and strong mind will always beat anything physical we possess.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Weekend Card Workout Challenge

Location: Home/Anywhere

Equipment needed: Deck of Cards

Time Needed: 20-25 minutes

Workout: Lay out a deck of cards face up.  Work through the cards in order with the exercises shown below.  Work through them as fast as you can with proper technique. 

-Red Number Cards: Body Squat Jumps (Do # on card)

-Black Number Cards: Push-ups (Do # on card)

-Ace: 10 Marine Push-ups (Start in a downward dog position (butt back and up). Slowly dip your face toward the ground and bring yourself to an upward dog position (hips to the ground with back arched). Then slowly pull back into downward dog. All without touching the ground with your hips and controlled.

-King: 25 Mountain Climbers

-Queen: 100 bicycle Sit-ups

-Jack: 15 Burpees

(Extra: Add the Jokers and do 10 Pull-Ups)

Share This Workout To Help Contribute To The One Fund!!!!!!

Saturday Warrior Work Out

Location: Your Room

Equipment Needed: Shoes, Pull Up Bar (Optional)

Time Needed: 25 Minutes

Warm Up: 5 Minutes
    -30 Seconds High Knees
    -30 Seconds Jumping Jacks
    -30 Seconds Butt Kicks
    -30 Seconds Mountain Climbers
    -1 Minute Jog In Place
    -1 Minute Jumping Jacks
    -1 Minute Rest

Run 2 Miles


First Cycle:
(3 minutes total)

30 Seconds of Sit-ups with an upper cut at the top (Making sure to twist the core as the uppercut is thrown).

30 Seconds, 5 pull ups and then hang holding one knee up for 5 seconds (Alternate after every 5 pull ups).

Repeat this cycle 3 times in a row non stop movement.

If there's no pull up bar, make them hand stand push ups.

Second Cycle:
(4 minutes total)

40 Seconds body weight squats with alternating front kicks at the top.

20 Second hold in a 90 degree squat position.

Repeat this cycle 4 times non stop movement.

Third Cycle:
(4 minutes total)

40 Seconds of push ups with 2 alternating punches at the top of every push up (left and right).

20 Second hold in a plank position with elbows on the ground.

Repeat this cycle 4 times non stop movement.

Closing Core:
(6 minutes total)

1 Minute side plank position alternating sides, 3 sets each side.

Cool Down Stretch:
(Remaining 3 minutes)

Pictures and Videos to Come

Morning Motivation

If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.

-Napoleon Bonaparte

Today is a beautiful day to begin your journey.  It's a day to take charge of your own destiny and create the life that you want.  Warriors create change by acting, by not letting others influence the way they live their lives and by not counting on anyone else to do the job for them.  You want to make a difference? Do it.  Nobody will ever work hard than you on your own dreams, there's just no motivation for others to power forward the way you can.

Warriors of Change is about donating to causes that create change and celebrate ACTION.  We expect the same from our fellow Warriors.  Nobody is going to hand you your dreams, results don't come easy, YOU must take them.  You are not alone, there are others out there who are working toward their dreams and in that brother/sisterhood you will find your inspiration.  Fitness and health is an everyday grind, do it yourself, do it right, we'll be right there with you.

Start today, plan your work and work your plan, ACT and you will be rewarded.  Become a Warrior of Change!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bedtime Breakdown

"The moment of truth is the day that you say..... I'm not scared...."

When does it come to the point of saying you're not afraid to take chances? When it comes to taking the proper steps towards self fulfillment we usually fear what we are capable of. What we mean by this is that when it comes to greatness, we all have the capability to do so.... But how many of us actually believe it? The answer is... Not many. I've said before, the first step... Is the one you believe in... The second one, might be profound. This stands true in so many ways. We always talk about what we want to do, but do we ever actually follow those words? 90% of the time the answer is no. Tonight it is time to look within yourself and pull the best out of you. Do not be afraid. Take the next step with pride and confidence. For within that confidence you will find that you were wrong to ever doubt yourself.